what are you searching for?

Dread walking your dog?

Every walk feels like a battle, with your heart racing and your dog pulling, barking, or lunging at every passing distraction—a dog, a runner, a bike. You try to stay calm, but deep down, you’re bracing for the next explosion.

Maybe you’ve even stopped going on walks altogether. The frustration, embarrassment, and constant anxiety have made the idea of a peaceful stroll with your dog feel impossible.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way.

Do you dread walking your dog?

Does your heart race the moment you step outside, scanning the street for anything that might set him off—a passing dog, a runner, a bike? Maybe you don’t even make it out the door anymore.

Do you keep the car windows rolled up tight, just in case another dog passes by?

You’re not trying to hide your dog away from the world, but you’ve seen the way he reacts. You’ve felt the embarrassment, the frustration, the sinking feeling that it’s only getting worse.

You love your dog. He’s part of the family. But if you’re being honest, you’re feeling disheartened. And frustrated.

Frustrated that you can’t take your dog for a walk without an incident.

At another dog,

or a car,

or a bike,

or a squirrel,

or a cat.

Each walk is like playing defense—your body tensing up, wrapping the leash tighter around your hand as you brace for the next explosion, hoping this time will be different, but deep down knowing it probably won’t.

You’ve tried everything: Distractions, treats, articles, online videos. You’ve even tried a trainer or two.

Maybe there’s a moment of calm—once in a while, you get through a walk without a full-scale explosion.

But those moments of hope are fleeting. Before you know it, you’re right back where you started: crossing the street, turning around at the sight of another dog, anything to avoid the chaos.

It’s a cycle, and it feels like it’s getting worse. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year.

You’re tired of the judgmental looks from strangers, feeling like everyone thinks you don’t know how to control your dog. You’re embarrassed and exhausted by the same meltdowns over and over again.

Maybe you’ve even rearranged your entire routine—early morning walks, late-night strolls—just to avoid the triggers.

You certainly aren’t strolling through Wash Park with your dog at your side, the way you once imagined.

You’re stressed out before you even leave the house, bracing for the worst every time you grab the leash.

It’s come to the point where even a simple trip to the vet feels like a production—a plan that needs careful strategy, just to keep things from unraveling.

And then there’s the fear. What if this never gets better? What if your dog hurts someone?

You love your dog, but you’ve started wondering if life would be easier without the constant anxiety.

That guilt, mixed with frustration, is heavy. You don’t want to feel this way—you just want things to be better. But right now, it feels like you’re out of options.

There’s that small voice, creeping in:

What if this is as good as it gets?

What if you’ve tried everything, and nothing’s going to change?

What if the lunging, the barking, the stress—is just life now?

You’re stuck, and it feels like the ground is falling away.

But here’s the truth: you’re not alone, and your dog isn’t beyond help.

Leash reactivity is a common issue that many dog owners face. And while it can feel isolating, like no one really gets it, you’re not stuck. With the right approach, there’s a way through.

You’re probably wondering: “How is this different from everything I’ve tried before?”

Want the secret? Here it is, solving misbehavior is rather simple, but nobody wants it to be.

Simple doesn’t feel satisfying.

Simple doesn’t make the problem seem uniquely challenging.

And a simple solution? Well, it can make us feel silly for missing it.

But simple doesn’t mean easy.

There’s still work to do—but it doesn’t take nearly as long as anyone would expect.

Here’s why:

Everyone will tell you they’re going to fix the “root cause” of the issue. But the truth is—they’re lying. Or maybe they’ve deceived themselves. Either way, they’re wrong. Reactivity isn’t a root cause game. It’s not about endlessly digging for some hidden issue.

Reactivity is a cycle—a vicious one. And to break a cycle, you don’t dig deeper—you stop the motion. You hit the brakes.

💡 Insight: Reactivity in dogs is influenced by a combination of environmental triggers, emotional responses, and prior experiences. Addressing it as a cycle, rather than as a single-rooted issue, is key to effective intervention.

That’s why the results come fast—often within the first thirty minutes. We don’t waste time with drawn-out processes. We focus on the exact moment where the cycle can be broken, giving you and your dog room to reset.

So, how do you break the cycle?

You need something that cuts through the noise. Something that stops the chain reaction. Something that grabs your dog’s attention right through his fixation.

Before I tell you how, freeing your dog (and you) from the clutches of reactivity, it’ll help to understand what the other trainers are getting right and wrong.

Why The Others Never Make Good on Their Promises

It’s easy to get caught up in popular approaches to reactivity—after all, they sound credible, right? You’ve probably heard it all:

Positive-Only (Force-Free) trainers tell you that treats, a high-pitched voice, and distractions will magically fix your dog’s behavior.

Sure, there’s something to be said for rewards and reinforcement, but when your dog is in the middle of an explosive reaction, treats and baby talk just don’t cut it. You’ve tried it, and you know it doesn’t work.

And you’ve probably heard about Conditioned Emotional Response (CER), Limited Intensity Trigger Training (LITT), Behavioral Adjustment Training (BAT), Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning (DS/CC).

I know you love science (I do too) but these terms get thrown around to sound fancy. Merely *citing “*the science” doesn’t mean they can achieve results. This is all an attempt to build up tolerance, and alleviate the alleged root cause (i.e. fear, stress, anxiety, overexcitement, frustration, and even trauma).

Here we are again, dancing around the issue rather than addressing the reaction; treating the behavior like it’s some sort of inevitable law, like gravity. But reactivity isn’t inevitable—it’s a choice. A highly loaded one, sure, but still a choice.

All that said, we do get some useful concepts from this style—like distance management, threshold, progressive intensity, and positive reinforcement. All useful, but in the real world we can’t perfectly control the environment, so when the pressure is on, where going to need something we can bank on.

🔤 Common Sense: While positive reinforcement builds good behavior, it often lacks the immediate feedback necessary to manage high-stakes reactive incidents effectively.

Dominance/Pack Leader (Alpha) trainers? They’ll tell you to establish yourself as the alpha physically and otherwise, to reduce the dog’s leadership stress.

There’s a little something here too, being fair. Your dog is physical being. When walking, like horse riding, we’re connected to an animal, and theoretically we’re supposed to be in control. Avoiding physicality entirely is (a force-free) fantasy.

They’re right about leadership stress too. A dog who feels compelled to lead, but deep down know he isn’t cut out for it, will suffer from heightened anxiety compared to the very same dog in a follower mindset.

Let’s give credit where it’s due—it’s better that our dogs perceive us as strong and steadfast, rather than weak and permissive.

But here’s where it goes sideways. Leadership, in this view, is about dominance. Your job becomes proving your dominance through physical and implied control. They aren’t suggesting striking your dog, in an abusive way. Rather, they want you to be some kind of dog-jitsu Jedi. And so Pinning the dog to the ground, forcing it to yield—sometimes even growling into its neck.

Imagine doing that in front of your neighbors. It’s as impractical as it is embarrassing.

Not to mention, forcing submission removes your dog’s agency, which is exactly what we’re trying to train.

Do you want submission and self-regulation?

I’ll take self-regulation every time.

💭 Example: Imagine someone holding you back from a fistfight. You didn’t make the choice to walk away—you were forced to submit. The lesson doesn’t stick, because the choice wasn’t yours.

A big part of this ideology is that using any training aid is seen as a sign of the leader’s weakness. They argue your dog needs to submit to you—not to treats, not to tools. Less is more, sure. But this is starting to feel more about somebody’s ego than what’s best for the dog.

Let’s be real, some dogs are simply forces to be reckoned with. This highly confrontational style can even create conflict toward the handler where there was none before.

Sure, not all of these folks suggest cranking up the physicality when meeting resistance. But that often leads them to the old, “this stuff takes time” excuse.

Calm and assertive leadership is key, but when intimidation and confrontation become the strategy, you’re left with a method that’s impractical at best, and counterproductive at worst.

What about Balanced Trainers, the ones who use prong and e-collars?

Balanced trainers are just the group of people who have figured out three things:

  1. That despite what the pop-psychology of dog training has to say, negative consequences can have a positive impact on your dog’s future behavior.
  2. Negative consequences don’t psychologically ruin dogs; temporary discomfort is not trauma.
  3. Training aids and tools make it easier to provide valuable consequences in a timely manner, aiding clarity.

Without this knowledge, dogs and owners tend to get stuck. But while necessary, it’s far from sufficient.

Many balanced trainers come from other schools—either Positive-Only or Dominance/Alpha—and bring with them old habits. They’ve kept their old perspectives, but just added tools.

The most common issue? Drawing out the process. So now you and your dog are back to “building obedience”.

Eventually, they’ll focus on teaching an obedience command, like “heel,” to override the loading sequence—the high-focus moment before the explosion—believing that if the dog masters the command with added accountability, the reactivity will naturally resolve as the dog prioritizes performance over reaction.

Sound familiar? It should—this is basically the Positive-Only playbook plus corrections.

It’s more effective, but it’s off target—helping some, but falling short of the best possible outcome.

Another common issue among balanced trainers is stim prompting—where trainers pair e-collar stimulation with obedience commands to “get the dog’s attention.”

While this can work in the short term, it removes the dog’s agency. By prompting with stim every time, you don’t give the dog a chance to comply without an aversive cue, however slight.

This can lead to problems. Sensitive dogs may become avoidant, reluctant to engage, or even shut down entirely. Sturdier dogs might rely on the stim to execute commands, creating dependency instead of independence.

This is also where e-collars get their bad reputation. When dogs aren’t given the space to make choices, training becomes about control—not helping dogs learn to manage themselves.

Balanced trainers get a lot right, but they often stop short of the real solution. Tools like prong collars and e-collars can be valuable—necessary, even—but they’re not enough on their own. Reactivity isn’t an obedience issue; it’s a behavioral loop that needs to be broken with understanding, timing, and the right kind of feedback.


Popular approaches to leash reactivity—whether Positive-Only, Dominance-based, or Balanced training—each fall short in critical ways.

Positive-Only methods rely too much on treats and distractions, failing when pressure is high.

Dominance-based methods focus on physical control and submission, creating conflict and removing the dog’s agency.

Balanced trainers get closer by using tools like prong collars and e-collars, but many delay progress by prioritizing obedience over addressing the actual behavior. Tools alone aren’t enough—they need to be paired with precise timing, clear feedback, and an understanding of the reactivity cycle.

So, where does Chill Out Dog Training fall?

In full transparency, we align with balanced trainers—but we’ve learned to avoid the common pitfalls. We blend positive reinforcement with timely corrections, and our approach addresses the behavior directly, with fairness and compassion. While many balanced trainers delay progress or stick to rigid systems, we prioritize adaptability, clarity, and fast, effective results. You’ll always be part of the process, ensuring solutions that work in the real world.

So, How Do You Break the Cycle?

You simply provide timely, priority feedback—usually e-collar stim adjusted to the just right level—at the moment the dogs begins to enact the reaction. There’s things you do to prepare, the feedback moment itself, and there are follow up steps. All designed to clearly communicate to your dog what in fact he is doing wrong, what he can do instead, and to be extremely fair.

Like I said before, simple but not easy. But, it is the most effective and fast behavior intervention I’ve ever seen or heard of.

Research: E-collar training can reduce undesirable behavior in as little as 1-2 sessions, compared to food-based training, which showed minimal effect. (Arizona State University, 2024)

What does breaking the cycle look like in action?

We flip the standard model on its head. Most trainers start by working with calm, low-stakes scenarios and building up to the real problem. We work backwards—starting right where the issue lives, during the reactive moments, when your dog’s behavior is in full motion.

Here’s how it works: We use a loose leash from the start. This gives your dog the room to make a decision—to react or to hold back.

When your dog begins to react, that’s when we step in with immediate feedback using the e-collar. It’s not about being harsh—it’s about being fair and clear. Your dog quickly learns to associate the feedback with their own choices. And, more importantly, they learn what not to do in those high-stakes moments.

This is key to establishing behavioral backstops and setting boundaries. Your dog begins to understand the stakes—so that even if the urge to react wells up in a high-pressure situation, they are incentivized to hold it together. Over time, this not only reinforces their bravery but also starts to erode the fear or insecurity that fuels the reactivity cycle in the first place.

Once they understand the binary concept of what’s right and wrong, we refine the rough edges through follow-up steps.

What We Figured Out That Others Missed:

Dogs learn through action—by testing, doing, and experiencing outcomes. Behavior is physical, and dogs remember what worked and what didn’t. They might generalize and draw inferences, but every lesson is built off experience.

By understanding this, we can actually enter the conversation, using the most effective communication strategies dogs understand.

At the same time, let’s be clear—we’re not interested in getting into a physical contest with our dogs. Our actions are guided by fairness and compassion. But your dog does need to experience that certain behaviors come with a consequence—one that’s clear, fair, and enough to make them reconsider. When a dog realizes that a specific behavior “costs” something, they’ll avoid it—breaking free from the reactive loop.

The key to breaking the cycle is timing. You interrupt the behavior right when it starts—after the choice has been clearly made, but before it spirals out of control. The feedback has to be enough to cut through their hyper-focused state, releasing your dog from the grips of reactivity, even for a moment (often longer).

Why did everyone miss this? Because it feels too simple. It challenges established models and the effort we think big, messy problems demand. To many, it seems mean—like punishing fear. But that’s a misunderstanding. Interrupting behavior isn’t punishment; it’s guidance, right when your dog needs it most.

We tend to think obedience is the cure for behavior, but we’ve been looking at it backward. Breaking the reactive behavior is the key to achieving easy obedience.

We live in a world where freedom of inner state is seen as the ultimate authority. Yet, without guidance and boundaries, we become our own worst enemies. At least with our reactive dogs, the turmoil caused by an untethered state is clear. They need boundaries to find freedom—and to end the cycle.

This approach gives your dog the freedom to make choices—paired with timely feedback right when they need it most. That’s how the cycle ends.

TL;DR: Breaking the leash reactivity cycle involves providing timely, fair feedback—usually via an e-collar—right as the behavior begins. This method interrupts the reaction before it spirals, helping your dog associate the correction with their own choices and learn what not to do in high-stakes moments. This approach directly addresses reactivity where it lives, empowering your dog to make better decisions. It’s not punishment—it’s guidance that creates boundaries, erodes fear, and fosters confidence, leading to lasting behavior change.

Think of it this way: Sometimes, reactivity feels like a wall—immovable, unchangeable. But look closer: it’s not a wall at all. It’s a jammed door. It resists at first, pushing back against your effort. But with the right action, the tension releases, and the door swings open. What’s on the other side? Calm, clarity, and the freedom you couldn’t see before.

You’re Probably Wondering: “Is This Really the Best Way?”

We get it. The idea of using timely corrections can feel uncomfortable. Maybe you’re worried about being too harsh on your dog. Or maybe you’ve been told that corrections could make things worse, not better. You might be thinking, Isn’t my dog just afraid? Why would I correct fear?

These are valid concerns, and it’s important to address them.

First of all, this isn’t about punishment. It’s about feedback. There’s a huge difference. Punishment—at least the way it’s thought of these days—is emotional, unpredictable, and often ineffective. Feedback, on the other hand, is clear, timely, and fair. It gives your dog a chance to course-correct before things spiral out of control.

Is it cruel? Absolutely not. In fact, it’s the opposite. Imagine this: your dog is caught in a reactive cycle, stressed out, afraid, or overexcited. Often, they’re completely untethered to reality—seeing threat where there is none. Every time that happens, their world narrows, and they feel stuck in a pattern they can’t break. Our method is about freeing your dog from that cycle, not punishing them for being in it.

Is it uncomfortable for my dog? Yes, the moment of correction is uncomfortable. But it’s no more than necessary to snap them free. It’s over almost as soon as it starts. And most importantly, it’s not unnecessary—you’ve probably noticed that nothing else matters to your dog when they’re in that reactive state. Except discomfort. Our nervous systems—dogs, animals, and humans alike—use discomfort to navigate the world. Discomfort is information. It tells us when something isn’t working. If it didn’t register as discomfort, it wouldn’t interrupt the cycle when it needs to. Discomfort is foundational to experience—it’s the one thing that can cut through the storm clouds of strong emotion.

The good news is, your dog has a choice. And they’ll make it. Your love, compassion, and judgment are behind each feedback moment—ensuring it’s what it needs to be, when it needs to be, and no more.

What about fear? Fear is real, but fear doesn’t justify unchecked behavior. In the wild, even animals regulate their behavior in high-pressure situations for survival. What we’re doing is guiding your dog, showing them that they can face their fears and hold it together—and that they’re safe doing so.

TL;DR: Timely corrections aren’t punishment—they’re clear, fair feedback that interrupts reactive behavior and guides your dog out of fear or overexcitement. While briefly uncomfortable, corrections break the cycle, helping your dog feel safe, confident, and capable of better choices.

By now, you might be thinking, “What about Board-and-Train programs? Isn’t sending my dog away for a few weeks the most thorough solution?” Let’s take a closer look.

Board-and-train programs are often pitched as a comprehensive solution—especially for bigger issues. You drop your dog off, and the trainers take over, promising solid results by the time you reunite.

While this might sound appealing (and convenient, albeit for a hefty price), it’s yet another example of avoiding the real issue: directly addressing the target misbehavior.

Trainers insist on “laying foundations” and taking a “holistic” approach, claiming that meaningful progress takes weeks to solidify. There’s some truth to that—solid foundations matter. But the truth most trainers won’t admit? Most dogs already have enough of a foundation. They don’t need weeks of general training; they need their actual issue addressed.

Board-and-train programs also rely on time as a crutch. Unconstrained by real-world pressure, trainers default to cookie-cutter playbooks—one-size-fits-all systems designed to scale their business, not solve your unique problem.

With time on their side, they don’t have to adapt much to the dog in front of them or grasp the deep principles of behavior. They follow a program. And programs work well enough—until they don’t. The real world doesn’t fit neatly into a controlled schedule.

The truth is, reactivity can’t be resolved in a vacuum. Sending your dog away may seem like the easiest path forward, but progress without you—without your involvement in the process—rarely holds up when life gets messy. Your dog doesn’t need weeks of generalized training; they need clear, targeted guidance for the specific problem at hand.

You might also be wondering…

E-Collar Use & Fairness

  • How do I know the e-collar is at the right level? We guide you through the initial setup to find the just right level for your dog’s e-collar. We start at levels so low they are imperceptible and incrementally work our way up till we find a perception level. From there regular assessments and hands-on training ensure the collar provides clear feedback without causing unnecessary discomfort. As your dog progresses, adjustments are made to maintain both effectiveness and safety.
  • Is there a risk of my dog associating the e-collar with fear or pain? Could it cause more anxiety? Your dog will associate putting the collar on with the activity that follows shortly after—like getting fed, going for a walk, or even a belly rub—not with fear or pain. The only dogs who might show hesitation putting on the collar are those who dislike wearing collars in general. Most dogs will be aware they are wearing the collar and understand that the rules and boundaries will be fairly enforced. But this isn’t a state of anxiety—it’s a state of mindfulness. Your dog has agency and control over its outcomes. With consistency, good behavior will come more naturally, even around temptations.
  • How do I ensure that the correction isn’t too light or too harsh? Precision is key. Light corrections are the more common mistake because owners tend to err on the side of compassion. You’ll know the feedback is too light when there is little to no effect—meaning the misbehavior tends to persist. Overcorrections are rare, but they can happen. They’re easy to spot, often marked by the dog’s strong reaction—a yelp or a hard flinch. Don’t worry, overcorrections won’t ruin your dog or your relationship. Most overcorrections are minor and simply require lowering the level and reassessing the environment and goals. We teach you to deliver corrections that are noticeable and effective, but not distressing. This balance ensures your dog understands the feedback without feeling punished, fostering a positive learning environment.
  • What’s the balance between getting my dog’s attention and causing distress? The goal isn’t just to get your dog’s attention—it’s to break the cycle. When we provide interruptive feedback to break the cycle, you’ll either have your dog’s attention or be in a much better position to ask for it. We avoid distress by ensuring corrections are appropriately timed and by not making the challenges excessively difficult or protracted.
  • Is there a risk of causing pain or discomfort that outweighs the benefit? If this ever seemed to be the case, we would reassess our rate of work, objectives, or even the method. That said, thousands of dogs have shown that this is not typically an issue. Our training emphasizes humane use of e-collars—the stimulation is used solely to interrupt undesirable behavior, not to cause pain. We prioritize your dog’s well-being, ensuring that every correction is both fair and effective.
  • Will my dog become reliant on the e-collar for good behavior? No, he won’t become reliant on it long term. In the early phases of reactivity training, all dogs are reliant on the method and tools that break the cycle. But as the reactivity erodes, so does the need for the correction—and the e-collar itself.
  • Is this a temporary tool that we’ll eventually phase out? Yes, the e-collar is a temporary tool. Our goal is to empower you and your dog to communicate effectively, so reliance on the collar decreases over time. As your dog learns to manage reactions, you’ll gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the need for the e-collar. Some dogs may require longer training periods to reach this point, and in very rare cases, dogs may need occasional reminders. Independence from the tool isn’t the primary goal—the real goal is sustained good behavior—but most dogs eventually phase out the e-collar as they improve.

Emotional State & Root Cause

  • Is this addressing my dog’s fear or insecurity, or just masking the behavior? Our method breaks the reactive cycle, which, in turn, alleviates underlying fear and insecurity. As your dog learns to manage their reaction, they’ll realize that their reactive behavior wasn’t necessary or helpful.
  • Will this help my dog feel more confident in the long run? Confidence and a sense of security naturally increase as the dog stops seeing his reaction as necessary, leading to lasting behavioral changes.
  • How do I balance clear feedback with positive reinforcement—I don’t want to cause confusion? Clear communication is essential. By correcting undesirable behavior and rewarding good behavior, we create the contrast necessary for clarity. We guide you to use corrections and positive reinforcement in harmony, ensuring your dog understands the difference between undesired and desired behaviors. This balance reinforces learning without causing confusion.
  • Is this punishment? What’s the difference between feedback and punishment? When the P word arises, it’s important to get specific. If by punishment you mean emotional, vindictive acts doled out by an indiscriminate authority, which negatively affects your dog’s perception of you—then no, this is not punishment. We use the term feedback because our corrections are immediate and specific, addressing the behavior, not the dog as a whole. Our method focuses on clear, fair feedback to guide your dog toward better behavior.

Relationship & Impact on Bond

  • Could this training method strain our bond in any way? When used correctly, the e-collar strengthens your bond by improving communication and reducing reactive behavior. Clear and fair feedback builds trust and mutual respect, ensuring that your dog feels secure and understands your guidance.
  • What if my dog reacts differently depending on the trigger? Our method is versatile and adapts to different triggers. We teach you how to apply the same principles across various situations, ensuring consistent and effective management of reactivity regardless of the trigger.

Behavior Specificity

  • Will this work for my dog if they’re particularly anxious or stubborn? Absolutely. Our approach is tailored to each dog’s unique temperament. Whether your dog is anxious, stubborn, or has a different personality, we customize the training to suit their specific needs, ensuring the most effective outcome.
  • Does this method only work for reactivity, or can it address other issues like leash pulling or overexcitement? While our primary focus is on breaking the reactivity cycle, the principles we teach can also help with other behavioral issues like leash pulling and overexcitement. By improving overall communication and control, your dog can exhibit better behavior in various situations.

Handling Setbacks & Progress Expectations

  • What happens if my dog has a setback after progress—do we need to start from scratch? Setbacks are a natural part of the training process. We provide strategies to handle setbacks without starting over, helping you and your dog regain progress and continue improving together.
  • How fast can I expect to see results? Many clients see noticeable improvements after just one session. While individual progress varies, we strive for quick, effective results. If progress stalls, we reassess and adjust the approach to suit your dog’s needs better.
  • Isn’t this a shortcut? It’s not a shortcut—it’s a more direct and efficient approach. By focusing on breaking the cycle at the critical moment, we achieve clarity and effectiveness without unnecessary delays, leading to real and lasting results.

Consistency Across Environments & Transfer of Training

  • How does this method hold up in different environments, like city streets vs. trails? Our method is designed to be consistent across various environments. Once the cycle is broken, your dog learns to respond appropriately in any setting, reducing the need for retraining.
  • Will my dog respond the same way to other people if they walk them? Yes, the training principles transfer to other handlers. We involve you in the process to ensure that everyone interacting with your dog can maintain consistency and reinforce the positive behaviors learned.

Reading My Dog’s Signals & Emotional Limits

  • How do I get better at reading the subtle signs that my dog is about to react? We teach you to recognize and interpret your dog’s pre-reaction signals, enabling you to intervene promptly. This proactive approach—which we graduate to once establishing clear boundaries—prevents reactivity from escalating, making the training more effective.
  • What’s the line between challenging them to improve and overwhelming them? We guide you to understand your dog’s limits and provide indicators of when to ease back. The training is about balanced progress, ensuring that you challenge your dog without causing undue stress or overwhelm.

Public Perception & Tools Dependency

  • What if I’m walking my dog and someone sees me using an e-collar? We provide you with the knowledge and confidence to explain the humane and effective use of e-collars. Most people will respect that you’re using a professional, humane method to help your dog, especially when it’s clearly beneficial.
  • Is my dog going to be dependent on tools like the e-collar forever? No, the e-collar is a temporary tool. Our goal is to help the dog to the place where good behavior is desirable for it’s own sake, and misbehavior seems unattractive. This will lead to a natural phasing out of e-collar use as your dog learns to manage their reactivity independently. The training empowers both you and your dog to maintain good behavior without relying on the collar indefinitely.

Solution: Chill Out Dog Training

At Chill Out Dog Training, we specialize in helping dog owners just like you overcome leash reactivity.

Our approach is different because we face the issue head-on. We don’t work around it—we work through it. With grounded compassion, we respond to the individual dog in front of us, offering clear, fair, and humane guidance.

We create space for your dog to make better choices, offering contrast between what works and what doesn’t. And through it all, we’re your dog’s biggest cheerleader. We don’t expect perfection overnight—nobody’s perfect right away—but we focus on steady, meaningful progress toward your goals.

The vast majority of our clients experience life-changing results after just the first session.

Chill Out Dog Training
Based on 317 reviews
I was at my wits end with my dog Willow when I requested more information from CODT. We’d been working hard with her to quell her reactivity issues and had even been using an ecollar as well, but we needed extra guidance and tools (including a better e-collar with a wider range of settings) to get ourselves and Will past the point we where we were. Scott got in touch immediately, listened to the biggest concerns we had, answered questions, and we got started with training the next week. Will has shown so much improvement in just two trainings and I feel so much better equipped to bring her back down to earth when she’s escalated. It’s a work in progress and probably will be for quite some time, but it’s awesome having Scott and this team in our back pocket to keep Will’s forward progress up. Thank you so much, Scott!
Cameron has been incredible. The training has been so helpful and really changed our relationship with our dog. Thank you so much!!!
Scott is an exceptional dog trainer who I highly recommend to anyone who has a dog with behavioral issues. He is incredibly knowledgeable and excellent at helping people learn how to read their dog's behavior and use tools to correct. Prior to finding Scott and Chill Out dog training, we had used 5 or 6 trainers and felt so discouraged. Within one session of working with Scott, we felt so relieved and like we had finally found the trainer we had been searching for. He truly has impacted our dog and family's life in such a positive way by giving us effective tools to manage our dog's behavioral issues through his knowledge and extensive experience with dog training.
Best choice we’ve made for our pups was scheduling a session with Scott! We have 5 yr old Goldendoodle and a 2.5 yr old Sheepadoodle. Walks were absolutely miserable getting pulled around and were often the most stressful part of our days. Anytime we had company the pups would mob our guest at the door and especially with elderly parents we were concerned. Then we started having some resource guarding and fights break out in the house and we knew we had to do something. We looked into 2 week boarding training but couldn’t justify nearly $10,000 for 2 dogs. I was convinced it would take months of consistency with weekly classes before we would see any changes. After just ONE session with Scott using the e-collars (even at low frequency) our walks were completely night and day. The pups picked it up so fast and we all could enjoy walks again. The next session we worked on resource guarding and now we have a set of tools to make sure both pups are safe in our house. We’ve already seen improvements on greeting and now working on “place” in our next session. I’m so glad we went with Chill Out Dog Training and would recommend it to anyone who is looking to have a better relationship with their pup. Our girls have very different personalities (headstrong & timid) and Scott was able to adapt the training to both of their needs.
I would highly recommend using chill out dog! Cameron was fantastic. Our dog Lola learned so much.
We have had a wonderful experience with Chill Out Dog Training. Our dog was very reactive when we first got her, both to other dogs and anything on wheels (bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc). We were so excited to take our dogs when we rescued her but walks were not enjoyable because she was so reactive. Through working with Cameron, our pup has undergone some amazing transformation! Cameron worked on not only changing behaviors of our dog in the 1:1 sessions, but almost more importantly, training us as owners on what we should be doing outside of our training sessions to keep progress moving forward. We did three sessions with Cameron and now we take our pup on walks and hikes all the time, both of which are now very enjoyable for both her and us! We did a lot of research before selecting a training company and I am very happy with our results. Would definitely recommend Chill Out to anyone!
I cannot recommend CODT enough! I worked with Scott and Bridget and both are amazing! I went into the consult call very weary of using an e-collar and prong collar. Scott eased my nerves by explaining exactly how they use the tools and answered all of my questions until I felt comfortable! Before starting this e-collar training, I did not take my reactive pit bull on walks due to being dragged around and her barking at other dogs. Now we can pass right by other dogs with no reactivity! It has been incredible to see how far she has come in just 3 sessions. I feel confident that Scott has taught me how to properly use these tools and we can move forward with other goals such as off leash training and more public access training. Bridget joined us for our final training session and I learned a lot from her about reactivity and obedience training. I am forever grateful for the work CODT has done with training both myself and my dog to have a trusting and loving relationship! I've almost forgotten what life with an extremely reactive dog was like and now we love getting outside, going on long walks, and saying hi to other people and dogs!
Great experience for helping my fear based reactive dog! The training is really efficient and i was impressed how quickly my dog learned with their method. In 3 sessions we’ve addressed my pups issues. Can’t say enough good things about this program.
I can't recommend Cameron and the team at Chill Out Training enough. Our goldendoodles are great dogs who have received plenty of training in the past, but we had never been able to get them to behave on a leash. They would pull all over the place, get tangled up, and drag us after every runner, dog, squirrel, cat, or child that would pass by. There were more than a few times where walks would frustrate us to the point of tears (especially after a long day of work). We've so badly wanted to give them the Colorado dog experience, but any time we have taken them camping or hiking it has turned into a big mess. We couldn't even take them to sit at a coffee shop without them making some sort of scene with their barking and excitable behavior.When we first met Cameron, we felt super reluctant about the E-collar. All I can tell you is it has changed our dogs' lives. Not only do they get pumped when we put on their collars (they have figured out it means extra long walk time), they seem so much more happy and at ease when we are out and about. Cameron gave us the perfect guidance to use this tool while also using meaningful training cues to guide them toward better behaviors. Our pups still have some work to do and we will be booking sessions in the future, but the 3 session package did more for our dogs than any previous training sessions combined. We have already taken them on more adventures in and around the city (including sitting on patios!) and look forward to hikes and lake trips when it gets warm out again. Even our neighbors have made comments about how well-behaved they are which is high praise because we definitely had "those dogs" in the neighborhood. This training is the best investment we've ever made for our dogs' safety and well-being.
I can't recommend Cameron enough! After months of intensive training and even several weeks of boarding with other trainers over the past two years, my dog Magpie still had behaviors we couldn't quite fix. Then we found Cameron, and in just two sessions we've accomplished more than I ever thought possible. His approach is intuitive, thoughtful, effective, and truly tailored to Magpie's needs. He's simply the best dog trainer I've ever worked with and I'm beyond grateful for his help. If you're looking for real results, Cameron is the trainer you need!
Scott absolutely transformed my pup in one 90 min session. She was a leash aggressive, jumpy former stray who was absolutely impossible to walk and would bark at everything that moved. One session had her realizing she didn’t need to defend herself and wasn’t the pack lead. She is now the sweetest dog at the dog park, our walks are enjoyable, and she rarely if ever barks at people. Would recommend Scott to anyone who has adopted their pup and is worried about behavioral issues!
I own a Doberman Pinscher with social anxiety which has made life in a very populated neighborhood difficult. In addition to constantly pulling on walks, she also had unpredictable reactivity to dogs and humans. At home, she was constantly barking at passersby. After the first session with Scott, her pulling and reactivity improved ~90%. Walks with her immediately became enjoyable (and I stopped having to wear my SI belt to protect my back from an unrelated injury ha). She also stopped barking at every living thing that walked by our place. I could not believe that my main 3 concerns were so drastically improved within the first 1.5 hours of training! We have continued to work with Scott on a few additional issues, and he’s always very helpful, astute, and communicates clearly. I’m incredibly grateful for Scott’s help. My dog’s progress through this training has been life-changing for both of us.
Scott is great - just what we were hoping for with a trainer. He made us and our pup feel super comfortable, talked us through everything patiently and clearly, and quickly empowered so that we could feel confident moving forward. We’ve had one session and are scheduled for two more, and we already have so much hope and optimism for the future after seeing how quickly our pup responds to the training. It’s making us feel even more bonded to her than before! If you’re on the fence about CODT, just set up a phone consultation - it was great to have that context and reassurance before our first session.
My dog and I have completed one training session and have a follow up scheduled. After working with Cameron, I gained a new perspective about my relationship with my dog and her needs around feeling comfortable on the leash. I was surprised and delighted that we left our first session already showing so much progress. What has been most impactful was learning how to predict and interrupt the unwanted behaviors. Prior to reaching out to Chill Out Dog Training, I was actively working to reduce some of the leash reactivity on my own, with some results (over months of effort) but nothing near what we were able to do with Cameron’s help in just 90 minutes. I am so incredibly grateful and very hopeful for continued growth!
We’ve been told multiple times by our friends that we have a completely different dog. Through this training we’re now able to take our dog on stress free walks and feel 100% confident in his recall while camping and hiking. Cameron is knowledgeable, patient, and catered the training to our individual concerns and goals for our pup. I’ve been able to strengthen my relationship with my dog through this process and it’s been amazing to see him grow more confident with each session. Our dog can now enjoy park days instead of needing to stay home because he would be overstimulated and he has more freedom to safely explore on hikes. I could not recommend working with Cameron enough!
We can’t thank Scott and Chill Out Dog Training enough for helping us with our boy Fang (Aussie Shepherd). He was pulling on the leash, only wanting to do what he wanted, not potty trained, and overall not listening. After the first session his walking improved significantly and as things progressed he became confident while listening. Scott not only trained Fang but showed us everything we needed to do so that we could keep and maintain progress! Thank you so much!
Cameron was so great! He taught me everything I needed to know about using the e-collar with my pup!
I have a highly exuberant and reactive (excitement) male Great Dane. I had taken him to puppy classes, basic obedience classes, and tried my best to socialize him. But he's a wild 2.5-year old dude with leash and barrier reactivity. I'd worked with other trainers before Chill Out and had some small successes and set a solid foundation; however, I was to the point where I'd stopped walking my dog in my neighborhood because passing other dogs on the street or being surprised by a bike/motorcycle/garbage truck became too stressful to deal with. When I called Chill Out Dog Training, I was driving him and walking him in a business park area that was mostly free of triggers. I wanted to regain a sense of normalcy and after talking to Scott on the phone, I scheduled a session. Scott has been awesome to work with and I've had great results. He's taught me and my dog how to make e-collar training meaningful and I've regained a lot of confidence and control. After one session, I was able to walk Swayze in my neighborhood again. We still have some challenges, especially if we see other high energy or reactive dogs...but I feel equipped to handle 95% of situations and that's a place I never thought I'd be just a couple months ago. Chill Out Dog Training has been a really great investment - and Scott has been a great listener and continues to provide support.
I can’t say enough about our experience!!! We have had 2 sessions and went from having a dog who was scared and leash reactive to being able to walk without pulling or reacting to most dogs - AND being able to have her capable of enjoying a dog park!!! So happy with our results with Scott!! If you have a reactive dog - look no further - this is the place!!! We tried 3 other trainers before this with multiple sessions and no results - Scott took the time to properly evaluate Valentine and it works!!!
Chill Out Dog Training is absolutely fantastic, the best money I have ever spent. I highly recommend working with Cameron and the other trainers for anyone struggling with training issues with their pet. After only one appointment my dog's severe leash reactivity has finally improved to the point where he can walk past other dogs with no reaction. I have spent years working with different trainers with minimal results. I was weary of e-collar training, but the results are very effective. My rescue dog had absolutely horrible leash reactivity, it was hard to even walk in my neighborhood, and it was taking a toll on my and my dog's quality of life. My dog is happier, more excited for his walks, and both of our quality of life has greatly improved. If you or your dog need training help, please reach out to Chill Out Dog Training for a free consultation call. Thank you Cameron and everyone at Chill Out Dog Training!
Cameron’s perceptiveness into my dog’s behaviors has really helped me to understand why he does what he does. I was a little apprehensive about using the e-collar, but it’s such an effective tool to quickly give my dog feedback so he can understand what behaviors just aren’t necessary. Within 3 sessions my dog no longer pulls on his leash, he’s showing appropriate curiosity in other dogs on walks without aggression, he’s getting more comfortable with greeting new dogs, his recall is improving, and his barking at strangers or people he’s not comfortable with has improved so much. Throughout this process, I’ve really appreciated Cameron’s knowledge and insight. He has really taken the time to understand what my dog needs as a rescue dog that’s fearful of men, new people, and new situations. My confidence and my dog’s has grown so much, and I feel like I have the tools and support to continue working on things on my own (but we might need a follow up session or two- we’ll see!) The training materials on their website have been helpful too. Overall, I’m so glad I went with this company. Their outlook of helping dogs understand how to “stay in their lane”, redirect their behavior, and trust their human more makes so much sense. My dog was reacting out of anxiety, fear, and he just didn’t know what to do in situations- which meant I didn’t either! But now we’re on such a great track. I’m very grateful!
My fiancée and I used Chill Out for two sessions to work with our dog on a couple habits we struggled to break. Cameron was able to help us immensely and provide insight and information on how to work with our dog (and any future dogs we own) to establish good habits and behave correctly regardless of the situation. We would highly recommend Chill Out dog training and can speak very highly of our trainer Cameron.
Chill Out Dog Training is fantastic! Their techniques are effective, and the trainers are incredibly patient and knowledgeable. My dog, River, has shown remarkable improvement in just one session. Highly recommend!Progress Update 8/8: Scott did an incredible job with River, and my husband and I both agree that River's success is a one-and-done story. We had a follow-up appointment scheduled, but given the effectiveness of Scott's initial training, we feel we're in a great place.
Scott was great with our dog, Honey. We went with the E-Collar package deal and can say it was definitely worth it. After 3 sessions, Honey is now amazing on leash, does not howl when alone due to separation anxiety, and can now be trusted off leash. Great program for the price.
I couldn’t be more pleased with the training Luigi and I received from Cameron. After three sessions Luigi has learned to go to his place when guests arrive, to stay in the yard when the gate is open, come to me on command 100% of the time, walk by my side without tugging and so much more. More importantly I learned techniques that I can use if other issues arise. Thanks Cameron
We have a GSP who loved to pull, be extremely stubborn, and chase anything that catches his eye. Within 1 session, Scott helped us begin e-collar training and by the end of the session, our dog no longer pulled. The second and third sessions really helped us with advancing in walking our dog with ease, learn addition commands, practice recall, and excel in more high traffic environments. We couldn’t recommend chill out dog training enough!
These guys are seriously the best. Our dog is generally very good but got way over excited when we would pass people on walks and was becoming a danger to herself and others. One sessions with Cameron and it’s like a light bulb went off for both of us. She now has zero issues walking by people on the sidewalk, and I have the confidence that I could handle her if she ever does again. Best money I’ve ever spent!
Training with Cameron was THE best decision we've made for our dog Birdie. She is a rescue who was really leash reactive (dogs, squirrels, bikes, skateboard, etc), reactive at the window with anything passing by, with guests, in the car, etc. We tried so much other training (10+ sessions with another trainer and a 6 week reactivity course ) as well as medication which were all somewhat helpful but only very minimally with the reactivity (about a year process). We decided to try the e-collar package with Cameron in part because of all the positive reviews and also how comfortable I felt with the potential plan after chatting via the phone for a consultation. We started to notice a change quite literally after the first session. We just completed our third session and 6 months later she is a totally different dog. We can now go for walks without worry, go camping, take her on patio's, and really live life with her, versus around her. I was hesitant about the e-collar with all the conflicting information you see online but how Cameron teaches you to use it feels really fair for the dog. We can't thank Chill Out dog training enough!!!
I was scared to walk my pup before meeting Cameron. I now feel like I have the resources and skills to be a better owner to my leash reactive pup.
I highly recommend starting your training journey with Scott for the benefit of both yourself and your family. I have personally experienced wasting a significant amount of time, money, and effort with other trainers before finding Scott. However, with just two sessions, Scott was able to effectively bring my dogs under control. The response from my dogs was swift, allowing us to enjoy a much more enjoyable time together as a cohesive unit. Scott's friendly demeanor, approachability, and extensive knowledge in training make the entire process pleasant and effortless.
I worked with Cameron for our second session with my reactive dog. The first was when she was a puppy so her bad habits have had a couple years to harden. Cameron is so clear in his explanations and guidance. My dog was having literal toddler tantrums and he was unbothered. I saw a lot of what I was doing wrong in trying to curb her reactivity but now know I need to be more firm to give my dog clearer boundaries. The goal is breweries and patios this summer so we will definitely be doing a follow up or two after lots of practice! Our two walks since the training session have already been immensely better! Highly recommend!
They worked a miracle in one session with my very challenging dog. Cameron is extremely calm and knowledgeable, and he is very good with both dogs and owners. Definitely recommend.
Scott absolutely changed our 6 year old doodle Nana’s and our lives for the better! She had such a barking problem, we had to keep the blinds closed all the time. She hated going on walks, and was very reactionary to sounds.She is a whole different dog, we are all so much happier! Huge thank you to Scott!
We reached out to chill out dog training in hopes that they could help our pup Maverick with leash reactivity, and a couple other things we wanted to work on with him. We met with Cameron and he did a phenomenal job by helping us and giving us the tools to help put our pup at ease on walks. Now we can take maverick to more populated areas like Wash park, and tons of hiking trails as the weather gets warmer. Chill out dog training rules and we highly recommend them!!
Had one training with Cameron and it was amazing. Super knowledge and nice dude and was able to fix my dog’s reactivity on leash in about 20 minutes. Couldn't recommend Cameron and this company more.
Before training with Cameron, my pittie mix struggled with anxiety and reactivity, making outings stressful. Cameron's holistic approach not only improved Denver's behavior but also boosted my confidence. His consistent support between sessions was invaluable. Our journey has been transformative, thanks to Cameron's expertise and dedication. Highly recommended!
My only regret is not finding Chill Out Dog sooner. I cannot thank Scott enough for helping me with my reactive dog. Scott is truly a wealth of knowledge. He helped me deep dive into the my dogs behaviors to find the root causes behind his reactivity. Scott worked with me to develop a personalized plan and helped guide me and my dog to success through our training sessions. The night and day difference of my dogs behavior and his confidence is truly remarkable. I am extremely grateful and highly recommend Scott for anyone in need of a dog trainer with a reactive dog.
Scott did a phenomenal job with my dog and his unpredictable leash aggression. In just one session, he quickly identified what the issue was and how my dog would best respond to behavior modification. He gave me the confidence to continue working with my dog on my own, and it’s been positive ever since.I would recommend Chill Out Dog to anyone. I am happier, my dog is happier, and our walks are 100x more enjoyable!
After being a friendly pup, three years of living around aggressive dogs caused ours to snap and lash out at new dogs, making dog parks a no-go. After moving to Denver, we new we had to get her back to her friendly (if very spirited and dominant) self. What I expected to take several sessions was addressed in one.
We adopted our dog Nala in May of 2022 from a puppy mill in Iowa. Due to her experiences there, we had a long way to go to make her feel safe and comfortable. After about 7 months, we started to see some problem behaviors like separation anxiety, fear of men, strong reactions to minor noises or unexpected noises and incessant barking. We also struggled to have control over her when she would go on walks.We had a consultation call with Cameron and really liked his approach. Cameron has been SO helpful to us. He’s helped us to understand Nala’s behaviors, know how to anticipate them and mostly importantly, know how to respond.If you are considering using Chill Out Dog Training, it is worth every penny! We will be recommending Cameron to everyone we know who needs a little extra help with their furry friend!
I can’t say enough good things about Scott and Chill Out Dog Training. I have been working with Scott to correct some of my golden retriever’s reactivity issues with large dominant dogs. This had been particularly confusing to navigate without help as it only happened sporadically, but frequently enough that it was impacting our day to day. Rather than isolating him from dogs he would typically react to, I really wanted to fix the problem. Scott has been a miracle worker with Pretzel. He had Pretzel back at the dog park (where a lot of his issues began) by the 2nd session, using the e-collar for correcting, which Pretzel has handled very well. Scott patiently educates dog owners on how to read signals and when to not overcorrect so you can feel confident training on your own in between sessions. After 4 sessions with Scott, my dog’s reactivity has drastically decreased, and when he slips up, I know how to appropriately correct him. Sincerely recommend Scott and Chill Out Dog for your pups.
We cannot say enough good things about Chill Out Dog Training! Cameron was professional, knowledgeable and great with our pup. He truly got us back on track in just a few sessions and we have seen immediate results. We highly recommend him for anyone looking for help!
Chill Out Dog Training, and specifically Scott Ross, are exceptional dog trainers. Our dog was well behaved, but exhibited some less desirable behaviors such as impulse control around other dogs/humans (wanting to say “hi” to everyone and jump up on them), counter surfing, and pulling on the leash. Scott effectively — and quickly! — helped us to address all of these behaviors, and we have already seen drastic improvements in our dog in just a few weeks. For starters, he no longer counter surfs! If you’re on the fence, just do it! We highly recommend Scott and the team!
We absolutely loved working with Scott at Chill Out Dog training. Our rescue Weimaraner, Leo, was extremely reactive towards other dogs. We tried so many different training techniques and never saw results until we started working with Scott. I was skeptical of the reviews that would say “we saw results in the first session” but they were true! We truly saw results during our first session and not only did Leo build up his confidence but WE felt more confident taking Leo to busy parks/areas. Scott really took the time to explain the ecollar to us and set us up for long-term success by giving us consistent feedback. We are so grateful for Chill Out dog training and if you are struggling with behavioral issues, I’d definitely recommend reaching out to them for help!
We were desperate. Our puppy was out of control and taking over the house. My older dog was becoming reclusive in an attempt to avoid the over excited play of her younger sister. We were strongly considering rehoming the puppy, but not now, thanks to Scott and his expert training techniques.Friends and family have noted a significant difference on how she greets people at the door. My grandchildren aren't afraid to play with her. My neighbors have noted she is less reactive. I'm not so tired on walks because she isn't pulling on the leash. And most importantly, our older dog Lola is returning back to her old playful self.We still have work to do, but rehoming is no longer part of our daily conversations. Thanks Chill Out Dog Training!
I can not say enough great things about Chill Out + Cameron specifically. I signed up for the e collar package that includes the e-collar and 3 hour and a half sessions. I had a lot of hesitation about the e-collar because I didn’t want to hurt my pup or scare him as he’s a sensitive boy. My hesitations were very quickly diminished after testing it on myself and seeing how it was just essentially an annoyance to my pup. I am a HUGE fan and advocate for the e-collar now. For context, Zuni is an almost 1 year old mini golden doodle. Our main focus was working on recall and I saw significant improvements after our first session. After completing our 3 sessions, Zuni’s recall is near perfect and we can play comfortably in the park off-leash as well as do off-leash hiking. His overall obedience has improved significantly as well. Highly highly recommend Chill Out!!
CODT deserves every one of their 5 stars! Our new pit-mix rescue is a sweetheart but had too much enthusiasm, so walking her was a struggle and hiking/public places were out of the question. My partner & I just wanted to be able to walk her without changing direction at every dog or getting our arms yanked around at every bunny sighting. In our consultation call Cameron asked if we wanted to take her to dog parks and I truly thought that was out of the question for us. Well….by our third session she was minding her manners at a dog park! The 3-session e-collar package truly changed the way we can live our life with her. Now instead of harried walks in the alley avoiding all distractions, Nova can accompany us on hikes, park outings, and patio adventures. Thank you, Cameron!!!
Cameron helped Moose with his pulling and reactivity to other dogs. Moose is much calmer now.
We used Chill Out Dog Training this past summer and it was by far the best thing we could’ve done for our dog Finley. Finley struggled with leash reactivity towards dogs and with living in a very dog friendly apartment it was always a stressful situation trying to take her outside. We had two sessions with Scott and he completely changed the behavior and helped her build up her confidence around other dogs. Scott was so great to work with. He was such a great listener and provided us with the tools to work with Finley! I literally cannot recommend Chill Out Dog Training enough!!
After 20 sessions of group obedience trainings, our little man had made some progress, but still had some intense aggressive and reactive behaviors that stressed us out daily. After the first session with COTD, Scott was super knowledgeable, helpful, and we made so much progress. After the second session, we feel very confident taking our pup out in what used to be very stressful situations and getting back to what we enjoy doing outdoors.
Our experience with Chill Out Dog Training was excellent. We did two sessions with Cam for our dog Ruby and immediately noticed a huge difference. Cam is patient, kind, and talented with the pups! He taught us everything we need to know to achieve our training goals. Highly recommend.
I rescued an 8 month old puppy from a shelter, great dog, other than separation anxiety. The howling and the barking was just so much. After I tried all the YouTube videos and the desensitization nothing was really getting that progress I wanted/needed to see. After I turned to Cameron and asked some questions, he referred me to their e-collar-separation anxiety guide and within days I can now go to the store and my buddy is just hanging out.I would like to mention I was scared to use the e collar just because there's so many bad stigma's around it. However I use the lowest vibration setting on mine and it was enough to really aid training and now I don't have to offer many corrections if any.Thank you Chill Out!
Super effective. I worked with Cameron and he was super nice, friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. While not a problem dog, my 16 month old Tibetan Mastiff has always been independent and slower to respond to commands. Even within one session my pup was significantly quicker to commands and much better behaved. I fully recommend their services for anyone trying to get better training. It has made life with my dog so much easier and fun.
Highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training. We worked with Cameron for our resource guarding dog and he was excellent. He came to our house, was patient with our dog and us as we learned about what’s best, and he was malleable with what needed to happen based on our dogs needs. He’s an excellent source of knowledge and came prepared with treats, beds, collars, leashes - all the things needed for successful sessions. Our dog is doing a lot better, and we now understand a bit more about his motivation and behaviors. Wouks recommend Cameron for pups with resource guarding!
Cameron is incredible. Since qualifying my opinion seems to be important, here ya go. I've paid approx $8k in board and train fees + at-home dog training for a few dogs I've had. Cameron came recommended by one of the outfits I've used. I have not been disappointed. My new 10-month old pup, Peaches, spent her first 9 months without a home and separation anxiety was her biggest issue. Within the first 90 minute session he had her heeling right beside me and got her to accept that the crate is a happy place.Within a week of using his techniques, peaches can now go in and stay in her crate for 1-2 hours without a problem. In the second session he worked on bed and recall. I'm confident that she'll be recalling by the end of the week and has already stopped jumping on people at the door.He has saved me a ton of time and a lot of money while delivering a too notch training experience.
My Dog Blu is a shelter puppy. From the shelter I learned he was beat up so badly that on one occasion his jaw was broken. For the 3years I've had him, he was ALWAYS scared of strangers, new things, loud sounds, and especially men. I took him to different trainers and, other than his fear, he is a very well behaved dog. However his fear turned into reactive aggression and he recently bit my neighbor. I was so upset because I would do anything for Blu and I didn't know how to help him. Cameron, within THREE sessions, had Blu to a point where he would politely approach strangers, he no longer has an issue with my neighbor or people we have over, and overall his reactivity is slowly improving. I can't thank Cameron enough. He gave me the tools to help my best friend live life to the fullest in a safe manner for everyone. Thank you!!!
We had a great experience with Chill Out Dog Training and would definitely recommend. We did four sessions with our dog over the course of a year and got to work with two different trainers – both were fantastic. They worked with us for our particular circumstances and were so helpful. Our dog definitely grew in her discipline and responsiveness, and we grew as owners in our ability to work with her, read her body language, and better utilize the e-collar.
I would highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training. I worked with Cameron and it is clear he is a master of this craft. I searched for help with dog training because my 8 month old lab puppy (Abe) entered the infamous "teenage" years and stopped listening. Up until contacting Chill Out, we'd attended half a dozen 4-12 week classes at the Humane Society and Petsmart. The focus of both was to bribe the dog with treats in exchange for good behavior. That only took us so far and often made Abe sick for a week until the next session.Upon meeting my dog Cameron was able to see Abe's gregarious nature and work with both of us to find a balance and cultivate better listening skills. In just three sessions Abe has significantly more impulse control and I have more confidence working with him. I so appreciate Cameron's support of my commitment to having a well-behaved dog. Cameron provided followups and notes after each lesson so we could continue to improve even outside of sessions, he was available via email for questions and help, AND he sent us home with the best dog cookies in Denver. Thank you for taking my concerns seriously and working with Abe and I!
Cameron is an incredible trainer - in just two sessions he transformed the behavior of our dog on walks, his ability to be off leash and gave us the tools to work on general reactivity that are already having a huge impact. We should have done this years ago! Highly recommend working with Cameron.
We had such great results working with Chill Out Dog Training. We were able to correct so many issues in just a few sessions. I can not recommend them enough.
We had a few training sessions with Chill Out Dog Training for our very, very, reactive rescue (before training she literally broke a window charging at a dog being walked on the sidewalk). After the first session there was progress and by the end of our few together we were able to take her on walks and to places like a brewery where there were other dogs around at a distance without issues. She even has a few dogs now that she's comfortable around enough to play with!We have a second dog that we had for years before the dog that got us to reach out and the sessions were helpful for him too!Because of this dog's reactivity we knew that classes were out of the question. It wouldn't be safe for anyone or any other dog involved so the fact that Chill Out Dog Training came to my house was fantastic. We got the basics down that we needed to be able to give our rescue a life outside of our property line. It was so worth it.We worked with Cameron and he was great at explaining why some things worked and others didn't. He was able to help us with both of our dogs and tailored the techniques to each dog. There wasn't pressure to do one method over the other which is somethings I was concerned about. He saw our hesitations with some of the recommendations and had us test it out on ourselves which gave us peace of mind that it would be ok.
Amazing work from Scott and Chill Out Dog Training! Just a few months ago we thought we might need to move one of our dogs out of the house for fighting/behavioral issues. As of today we are back on track towards a happy dog house with the whole family feeing reassured. Highly recommended!!
From the moment Cameron called me when he was outside the home, wanting to set everything up for a successful, positive meet/greet with Sophie and Max, I knew we did the right thing. Cameron set the vibe for all of us! I had my first walk with Sophie where I wasn’t constantly resisting her pulling. He gave us in-the-moment feedback in the home with obedience, resource guarding, etc. We learned that Max was more of an instigator than we thought. He left us with homework and online guides that we need to read. I’m confident that Sophie & Max will live their best lives with us in a calm and loving home…with boundaries!"
Scott came to our house to work with us and our new puppy Otis. Scott was knowledgeable, patient and easy to work with. He helped teach us how to better communicate with our dog and build a relationship with him. He offered realistic and implementable tips to help shape our dogs behavior. I’d recommend Chill Out Dog Training to anyone looking to train their dog.
If you have a reactive dog, these are the trainers for you! Over 3 sessions, Scott was able to help us make significant progress with our dog’s territorialness and reactivity. Unlike other places I saw, Chill Out dog training works with you in the environments that your dog actually reacts so the progress sticks. Before training, we couldn’t have our dog in the front yard and had stopped bringing her with us to breweries, now she thrives in those spaces. Can’t recommend them enough!!!
Scott showed up on time, having read the submitted notes about my dog (80 pound pitbull), with his tools and a friendly face. Our dog is mostly good but had some issues with manners and respecting me and my girlfriend which we got right down too. Even after 1 session we feel that Scott gave us the tools we needed. Great bang for your Buck also instead of one of those large dog schools. Will recommend to everyone!
Great progress in a very short period of time. I love the technique used by Scott.I recommend this service to anyone needing obedience training for their dogs.
I highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training! I was referred by a friend who had great success and I’m so glad I called. We had our first session today and I can’t believe how much my dog learned in such a short period of time. This training session exceeded my highest expectations. My 2-year-old dog is stubborn and prefers sniffing, zig-zagging, and marking over walking. We had him walking like a good boy and we actually got some exercise! I’m excited for us all to learn even more at our follow-up sessions.
Just started working with Scott for our dog, Cora. Most relaxing day we’ve had with her in 3 years. I feel hope. I have spent time crying and thinking we couldn’t keep Cora because of her aggressive behavior towards people coming to our house. Now, I feel lighter and see the possibility for her to relax in our home with guests! The calm manner Scott modeled as he used the e-collar to correct her and then coached her for a more desirable behavior was valuable and enabled us to practice this the rest of the day. Looking forward to our next session and in the meantime we’ll keep practicing with Cora! Thanks Scott!
I had an unbelievable experience with Chill Out Dog Training! My dog Stella was having an extremely difficult time around other dogs and was very reactive even just passing by others. This is the 3rd trainer I’ve been to and it’s been almost a 2 year process. First, I sent my dog to a board and train for 2 weeks.. after that didn’t work, I tried 1:1 sessions with a pronged collar and different trainer. That didn’t work either, and I was back to the drawing board. my dogs behavior was taking a toll on me and was really impacting her quality of life and ability to socialize & go on adventures with me. I’m not sure who was more anxious, (Stella or me).. but it was horrible.If you’re researching trainers in Denver, honestly stop the search and book with this company. They have a 5 star rating for a reason. I personally worked with Scott, and his calm, patient, encouraging, and thoughtful approach was just what we needed. He gave clear instruction and took his time making sure I understood everything he was saying. I saw an immediate improvement, after the first session was even over! She was passing dogs with ease. She’s now much calmer & more confident…and so am I. Additionally, I never would’ve trusted her off leash in an open space previously because shes run off before and had zero recall. This has changed our lives, and we’ve gone for hikes on relatively crowded trails, farmers markets, the dog park, etc. This weekend, she was even able to go off leash and swim in the lake for a bit and came right back when I called her.I’m so thankful and relieved to have found CODT!!
Cameron is an absolute godsend! I have a Weimaraner rescue named Odin who is 90lbs of solid muscle and while he is the most perfectly house trained dog, his leash pulling was beyond aggressive - dragging me, literally on the ground making walks terrifying to both me and onlookers. After 1 session with Cameron, Odin is doing so much better. I highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training!
Working with Scott was a game changer! Within one session, my pup no longer barked at everyone and everything we passed. With such an amazing complete turn around, we decided to continue working with Scott to help us hone in on some other minor obedience training. Again, he had things under control almost immediately! The one-on-one training sessions really provide quick and personalized results. Definitely worth every penny and would highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training and Scott!
Scott was helpful, attentive and kind with his approach for dog training. By the end of a short walk, we went from 100 to 0 leash pulling. Great advice for crate training, obedience issues and recall protocol. Highly recommend. E-collar is nothing to be scared about.
Scott and his team are the best! I was apprehensive about using an e-collar on our dog and they gave me several approaches we can take, as well as took the...
If you read no more than this first sentence, know that we HIGHLY recommend Scott and his team to train aggressive tendencies. BEST IN THE BUSINESS, period....
It's been just under 1 year since we hired Scott to work with our young adult dog Ally.

Before we hired Scott, she was just... mean. She was incredibly JEALOUS and would nip at dogs that went anywhere near her bed or me. She'd whine and cry when a big dog came around, and frankly was just an aggressive jerk toward other dogs. It was honestly starting to affect my relationship with her! As I grew more resentful and frustrated, I finally hired CODT.

Then we had just ONE session with Scott. ONE. He's seriously a wizard. She is now a BRAND NEW DOG. She is now confident, sweet, and I bring her with me everywhere now. We have a dog-friendly office, where she used to be very aggressive. But now she goes every day and can be left alone. And she's nice! No longer a big jerk face 🙂 We originally hired him just to take care of her aggression toward other dogs, but we also got the added benefit of nicer greetings and better jumping managers! If you're on the fence at all, take it from someone who regrets waiting too long and book your session. You won't regret it.
I highly recommend Scott and his company, Chill Out Dog Training, to anyone who is looking to train their dog. Whether it be basic obedience skills or what my dog needed, which was more focused training on fearfulness, reactivity, and aggressiveness towards other animals and humans alike.

Scott took the time to help my dog become more secure in the world outside of our home, and trained me to be a more confident owner. He displayed many methods to use with my dog and I enjoyed the training process he shared with me.

I would consider Scott’s training as an “I do, We do, You do” approach, which helped me immensely. First step was to watch him work with my dog while he explained, in detail, what he was doing and the expectations. Then, we would work on the techniques together with my dog. Lastly, I would use those methods by myself with my dog alongside continued guidance from him.

Scott is a kind, knowledgeable, and skillful dog trainer and I would highly recommend his services to anyone who is seeking to have a well-trained dog.

Kind regards,
Lindsay & Bisbee
I highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training. I had recently adopted a shelter dog and did not know anything about her background. She displayed some weird habits and things I wanted to correct, such as nipping at people's feet. She also lunged at other dogs and people when I walked her. Working with Scott, he helped me understand her behavior and how to correct it. He is great. She is so much improved and I now look forward to walking her. Most important, he provided me tools to assist down the line with behaviors that I would like to change. Thanks Scott!!!
Scott is extremely knowledgeable, professional, kind, and helpful! We were at a loss when out of nowhere two of our dogs started attacking each other. We hired Scott and he came to our rescue. He was passionate about learning about each dog, and genuinely cared. He helped us understand why the dogs were fighting, and gave us an amazing foundation to work with both of them separately and together. He trained us as much as he trained our dogs. I feel completely confident with our new skills, and our future with our dogs.
We recently added a fourth dog to our pack. She is a little deaf gal and we needed some help getting her settled and adjusted to the other dogs in our pack.

Scott was recommended by a friend and I gave him a call. After our conversation I was hopeful my newest pack member could be part of our family.

After the first session, I was hooked!

Scott was able to assess my pack and pick out the true trouble maker. He worked one on one with each dog. As they learned, we added more dogs until all four were involved. It was amazing how quickly my dogs learned and wanted to please. Scott gave me the tools to continue to help my dogs learn.

Watching Scott adjust his training to manage the deaf dog was amazing. She had a few hand signals and we were able to add a few more. It was hard to believe she was his first deaf dog!

Four sessions later, I have a pack of better mannered dogs! I am no longer fearful they will fight. I can now come home and step into a calm home. I can have company come in without a lot of door drama. When I give the command for them to “place”, they all settle down on their favorite spots.
Scott did an amazing job working with the both the humans and dogs in the home to make everyone comfortable.

We are truly living the Chill Out dog life!
I can not say enough about how thankful I am for not only the great training my dog and I received, but the kindness and patience Scott had with us. My sweet Gracie is a rescue and suffered from severe separation anxiety, to the point where I was afraid to leave her alone because she would chew through the metal bars on her crate. I felt at the time that my only option was to medicate her, which only made her a shell of the dog that she is. After working with Scott, Gracie can comfortably go in her crate and stay for long periods of time without the destruction, she’s less fearful around other dogs, and her confidence has skyrocketed! I feel the tools we learned over our four weeks of training are things that we can continue to work with and build upon throughout Gracie’s lifetime. I’m so grateful to have my happy dog back!
We had a great experience with Chill Out Dog Training! Scott is an amazing trainer who not only works with the dog but with the dog owners as well. We initially went to Scott because our dog Frank randomly started to exhibit dog reactivity behavior and wouldn’t stop whining and tugging whenever a dog was in sight. The walks became unpleasant to say the least. During our first 90 minute session with Scott, he educated us on why the behavior was occurring and we started to work with Frank immediately. After the first session- our walks instantly become enjoyable again- Frank ignores other dogs and walks right beside us! We then started to move onto other problem areas such as separation anxiety and social skills with Frank. Each session Scott was always professional, patient, and kind with his approach while working with Frank (and us). Just a heads up- Scott will give you “homework” and things to work on between sessions. In order to get the most out of your sessions with him be sure to come prepared with feedback and progress!
I would definitely recommend Scott for dog training! I have a year old terrier mix who is really high energy and strong willed. Scott was amazing with him and I noticed a difference in his behavior immediately. He did a great job explaining the process to me and gave me a lot of ideas of things I could do for specific behavioral issues. He is professional, always on time, easy to schedule with and made himself available for questions between the sessions. I'm very happy with the results!
Milo is a one year old beagle mix with endless energy who likes to steal items that are not his and chew them to pieces, and generally be the alpha in his home. After 4 sessions with Scott, he learned loose leash walking, staying on his "place", no more jumping on furniture, and consequences when he chews up his owner's favorite socks. Today he learned to come on command at the park in the midst of an RC car driving by, small kids and other dogs close by, and even sat calmly for an hour at an outdoor restaurant! He has made remarkable progress in the last month! ��� we highly recommend Scott at Chill Out dog training!
I have a 4 year old rescue German Shepherd Beagle mix named Levi. He suffered from anxiety when outside of the home, dog reactivity, and pulled while being walked on leash. Scott took the time to fully understand my wants, as well as my dogs needs. He helped show me the proper tools to use, and how to safely and effectively use them. He helped me to understand what was going on with Levi, and how to help him get through these issues. Scott helped me to gain the confidence I needed to help Levi be a happy and respectful dog. I can confidently continue working with Levi on my own now with all the skills Scott taught me. I would recommend Chill Out Dog Training to anyone!
Count chocula and I had a great time with Scott today. The training is very relaxed and the count took right too it. We are going to have him come over in the next couple weeks to work with our other French bulldog.
Scott helped us to resolve some dog reactivity issues with our Great Dane puppy. He was wonderful to work with! Scott took the time to understand our goals for our pup and came up with a plan that worked with our family and lifestyle. We really appreciated his balanced approach to training, he thoughtfulness and ability to adapt to our lifestyle with two very young kids, and his responsiveness to all of our questions. We've seen tremendous progress with our puppy, and even my husband bought in to his approach (which was a huge hurdle to clear in the first place!). I would highly recommend CODT to anyone who needs support with their dogs behavior!
Our precious Stella-dog had a wonderful training session w. Scott today. Her obnoxious behaviors came under control in a very short time with Scott's simple, straight-forward yet sensible instruction. We practiced with her and we will continue to practice what he taught our family.
(Phoenix, AZ)
Excellent results from a passionate trainer! Scott understands how to work with a variety of different dog breeds and will set you and your dog up for success!
YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS! Our bichon Charlie benefitted tremendously from Scott’s work! He has always been a good hearted dog, but would panic (aka BARK) at the doorbell/landscapers/new guests in house/etc. He also had a real bad habit of pulling and choking himself on his leash.

We sent Charlie to the “Chill Out Bootcamp” for a week and we got back a totally “Chill Out Dog”! He heels perfectly now with his prong collar, and has learned to stay and be content in his “place” (dog bed) when guests arrive. He is a much happier dog now, not so anxious, and we owe a renewal on life for Charlie to Chill Out Dog Training- thanks guys!
Pinocho walks without a leash, listens to commands, and can be trusted with the door. He used to escape every chance he had. He would run out door and run for miles. I was afraid he would get hurt by a car or losing track of him. I'm 7 months pregnant with twins and couldn't deal with the stress or the risk of running after him. Scott changed his behavior and taught us how to reinforce and reward good behavior. Highly recommend his services.
I would highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training! I have a 9 month old french bulldog that was extremely stubborn, destructive and would run if the door opened slightly. I was at a complete loss. I never hired a trainer, but people told me that was the only option with french bulldogs. I researched several options but none seemed to be a good fit or they were too expensive. A friend recommended Scott Ross. I was skeptical until I met him. He asked me to list every issue I had with our dog as he listened attentively. I did not have high expectation because our dog was so stubborn. But after 1.5hrs, she could walk on a leash, sit, stay and go into her kennel without a fuss. I was in shock! And her newly learned behavior stuck! I don’t have much time to commit to training —but it isn’t necessary with Scott’s training techniques. Our dog, Jett, just completed her 4th lesson and Scott corrected EVERY issue we discussed and more (and trust me, the list was long). Now, I absolutely love my dog!! And I truly only have Scott to thank for it. I don’t know what I would have done without Chill Out Dog Training and Scott.
Scott's advice and training has really helped us communicate with our dog!
We are so thankful for Chill Out Dog Training! Not only did our puppy, Luna, learn to chill out, but so did we! Luna was exhibiting the typical puppy behaviors for our first several months as owners. Potty training, bite pressure guidance, and boundary setting were daunting tasks. We were embarrassed when Luna would have an accident or greet another human with her mouth around their hand. It became exasperating to come home to a mess all over the floor, especially because we were in the middle of moving. However, Scott calmly walked us through the whole training process. The step-by-step training really helped us tackle one behavior at a time. Now, Luna is completely potty trained! She has learned a few tricks and is still learning how to be a well-behaved puppy. We have also become more informed and relaxed owners. Scott’s advice has truly helped us and we will continue to call Scott with any behavior questions in the future. I highly recommend Chill Out Dog Training!
We are so happy we learned about Chill Out Dog and their services! We observed an instant behavior transformation after one session with both our dogs. We can finally walk both dogs together. We look forward to future sessions! Thank you Scott, Miko and Gus!!

Here’s what we won’t do:

  • We won’t ask you to spend hours doing training homework.
  • We won’t expect you to perform a song and dance just to keep your dog’s attention around distractions.
  • We won’t insist that you change your entire personality just to live peacefully with your dog.
  • We won’t criticize or blame you for your dog’s behavior issues.
  • We won’t ask you to keep coming back for weekly sessions over the course of a year.
  • We won’t tell you that your dog’s behavior is “just the way it is” and expect you to accommodate it.
  • We won’t waste time with the standard training formalities that really have nothing to do with your goal.
  • We won’t ask you to use gimmicky or absurd corrections, like shouting “Bah!” in public or rolling your dog over to growl into their neck.
  • We certainly won’t ask you to send your dog away for weeks to solve what is often a surprisingly simple issue.

Instead, here’s what we’ll do to make real, lasting change:

  • We’ll provide you with a simple, effective method, tailored to your unique situation, your dog’s behavior, and the real-world challenges you face every day.
  • We’ll show you how to bring out the best in your dog’s personality, while addressing the specific issues that have been holding you back.
  • And we’ll help you move forward—without the unnecessary stress or unrealistic expectations.

Imagine being able to…

  • Walk your dog at Wash Park during peak hours, passing other dogs and families with ease—no more crossing the street or changing your route.
  • Enjoy Denver’s hiking trails without stress, knowing your dog will stay focused on you, even around off-leash dogs.
  • Stroll through busy neighborhoods like LoHi or Cherry Creek without worrying about every passing car, bike, or skateboard.
  • Relax at outdoor patios with your dog calmly resting by your side, while you enjoy coffee or drinks with friends—no anxiety, just peace.
  • Invite friends over without fearing how your dog will react, enjoying social gatherings with confidence and ease.
  • Open your front door without worrying about your dog bolting at the sight of another dog or delivery truck.
  • Attend dog-friendly events all around Denver, no longer avoiding public spaces—enjoying life with your dog by your side, wherever you go.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

At Chill Out Dog Training, your satisfaction is our priority. We guarantee your progress toward a calmer, self-regulated, well-behaved dog. If you don’t see progress, additional support will be provided at no cost.

And, if at any point you feel a session wasn’t valuable or that it wasn’t a good fit, we’ll happily issue a full refund for it.

It’s not a dream. It’s what we do every day with dog owners who thought they’d never find a solution.

You don’t have to keep living in frustration. Our method works, and fast. Just one session could be standing between you and your dream walk.

And it’s not just you who will feel the change. Your friends will notice the calm confidence of your dog, your neighbors will be relieved, your walks will become more social, and your home will feel more relaxed. But most importantly, your dog will feel at ease, enjoying life with you, free from the stress that once held them back.

You and your dog deserve this change—and it starts with a single step. Let’s make that walk together.

Don’t wait. A peaceful walk with your dog could be just one session away.